Display your author information in Google search results

Posted by
in SEO on 26 October 2012, 18:14
Today I will tell you how to add your author name and photo to Google search results next to the link to your page. 

Like this:

Google is always working hard to improve the quality of its search results. One of the problems they face is a huge amount of duplicates: written content that was copied from somewhere and is not original. One way to fight the duplicates is to allow the writers of original content to claim the authorship of their work. This way Google hopes to know who is the original writer is and thus position his/her page above the duplicates and copies. 

How to declare that you wrote this or that content? You do that through Google+ rel="author" tag.

Here what Google has to say about Author Information in Search Results

Luckily, Webpin is about to release a new app that will allow users to claim authorship over their content and thus improve the look and ranking of their pages in Google search results.

Here are some benefits or using Google+ rel="author" tag:

1) You will be recognized as the original author of the content by Google. So, anyone who copies your content will either not rank or rank much lower in search results.

2)  Your page will stand out in search results. People are more likely to click on the article that has a name and a photo of the author.

3) Google ranks higher pages who have rel="author" tag, thus your traffic will increase, and you will have more visitors or clients.

There are talks that Google+ profile and rel="author" tag will play even more significant role when it comes to ranking in Google in the future. So, start early, add Google+ rel="author" tag to your Webpin page as soon as possible.

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